
Healthcare Degrees List (Online Programs)

Healthcare Degrees List (Online Programs)
Healthcare Degrees List (Online Programs)
Online degree programs are available in certain healthcare fields.
The most popular study areas are nursing, psychology, health administration, counseling, social work and public health.
  • Because healthcare is naturally hands-on, there are limits to what you can study online.
  • Medicine, dentistry and occupational therapy, for example, don't have online degree programs.
For clinical degrees (such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing), students are required to do workplace training as well as online study. You or the online school may be able to organize work placements at healthcare facilities near to where you live. Clinical programs may also have residential schools (occasional multi-day classes on campus).
Below is a list of the main healthcare degrees you can get from online universities. The list doesn't show detailed specializations (such as specialist nursing fields and various types of counseling).
Healthcare professional.

List of Online Healthcare Degrees

The main healthcare degrees which are available online are listed here. Note:
  • The bachelors and masters lists were generated from degree lists at online universities.
  • Clinical degree programs may require you to do supervised training in a healthcare facility.
  • Many specializations are available within programs, including in counseling, nursing and psychology.

Bachelor degrees

Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Health Science
Bachelor of Science in Counseling
Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness
Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration
BS in Health Information Management
Bachelor of Science in Health Science
Bachelor of Science in Health Studies
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Science
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
Bachelor of Science in Sociology
Bachelor of Social Work

Masters degrees

Master of Public Health
Master of Science in Addiction Studies
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology
Master of Science in Counseling
Master of Science in Health Care Administration
Master of Science in Health Care Informatics
Master of Science in Health Education
Master of Science in Human Behavior
Master of Science in Mental Health and Wellness
Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling
Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Science in Professional Counseling
Master of Science in Psychology
Master of Social Work